Fire Accidents:

Fire accidents occur without warning if the means of detection are neglected and the owners of the house are usually asleep - for home accidents - and if the fire is discovered early, it is easy to fight it with available means such as a fire extinguisher or using water... etc. Here are the most important things to do when a fire accident occurs:

1- When the fire is discovered, evacuate everyone at the site and put them in a safe place

2- If the fire is in its early stages, head to the fire site and try to find out its causes and stop its development.

3- If the site is full of smoke, get out quickly with those with you without carrying anything, close to the ground because the smoke is usually at the top.

4- Report to the Civil Defense on 998 with a precise and calm description of the site

5- Do not try to enter the fire site to take any personal belongings as you may be surrounded by fire and smoke.

Gas Leak:

When you discover a gas leak, you must follow the following instructions:

1. Do not light a fire, an electric lamp, or any source of sparks, as this will cause a spark that leads to an explosion.

2. Close the source of the leaking gas.

3. Open the windows and doors to ventilate the site and reduce the concentration of the gas.

4. Repair the leak immediately and replace the damaged parts of the leak site